Louisiana Gamefowls Home Page

We only breed the best . . .


Picture of our original imported brood cock few
months after his arrival
Cecil Davis Kelso Brood Cock
* High breaker with lots of bottom
* Aggressive but smart fighter
* Can kill in first buckle
* Deadly cutters

Product of our breeding

Cecil Davis Kelso-Doc Robinson Hatch Cross

Product of our breeding

Cecil Davis Kelso

Another pic of our breeding

Cecil Davis Kelso

Another pic of our breeding

Cecil Davis Kelso

Another product of our breeding- cdk hen from 7/8
inbreeding to brother-sister mating.

Cecil Davis Kelso Hen

Another pic of our breeding- cdk hen

Cecil Davis Kelso Hen

Another product of our breeding with 1/8 rampuri asil
2X derby winner. our winningest family we're fighting
todate. see videos

Cecil Davis Kelso with Rampuri Asil
one of the JW REDS family

Some words for our Cecil Davis Kelso

Our Cecil Davis Kelso Brood Cock came from Seminole Farm
in Virginia, USA and claims his brood materials came directly from
Cecil Davis himself.

In our second year of breeding, we mated him with our 1/2 cecil
davis kelso 1/2 rampuri asil, a young hen from offspring of imported
cecil davis kelso hen loaned to us by a friend. Again from the new
offsprings we select an outstanding daughter that conforms
to our likings and bred back again to our original brood

We apply this method in each generation untill we reach
7/8 of his blood. From there we apply the brother-sister mating
taking into consideration our selection standard

We have kept and bred this strain for ten (10) years now. Good
for infusing speed, acurate body punching and body conformation.
One of the JW Reds carries this family

We only sell few pullets and hens to augment our farm
expenses. See available stocks at our auction in Bentahan.Com
We sell stags and cocks only when we have enough stock.

However, we offer most for financing, please contact us.

rev. 7.8.2008

O u r
O r i g i n a l
B l o o d l i n e s

Doc Robinson Hatch
Cardinal Club Kelso
Yellow Leg Hatch
Lacy Roundhead
Cecil Davis Kelso
Sweater Grey
Rampuri Asil
JW Fowls-our strain

Hack & Derby Videos

click & tour inside our Cock House Pavillion ! 

Louisiana Gamefowls Home Page
(Best viewed with Internet Explorer 4.0+)
Manila address: 2098 Road 9 NDC Compound, Sta. Mesa Manila, Philippines 1920
Tel. no.   (0632) 714-9176 Cellphone No. 0906 223-4511
Feel free to e-mail us: Email to Louisiana gamefowls