Picture of our original imported brood cock Doc Robinson Hatch Brood Cock * Speed fowl and very aggressive * Can kill in first buckle * Body multi-shufflers * Deadly cutters Another pic of our original imported brood cock Doc Robinson Hatch Brood Cock Picture of our original imported brood hen Doc Robinson Hatch Hen (front) Picture of our second original imported brood hen Doc Robinson Hatch Hen (we have 2 imported D R H brood hen) Picture of offspring now used also as brood hens Doc Robinson Hatch Hens (full sisters) product from our breedings- bred as pure Doc Robinson Hatch Cockerel product from our breedings- bred as pure Doc Robinson Hatch Cockerel product from our breedings- bred as pure Doc Robinson Hatch Cockerel product from our breedings- bred as pure Doc Robinson Hatch Cockerel Some words for our DOC Robinson Hatch We aquired a trio of this breed from JAM Fowl of Orcutt, Ca. and bred them pure as to maintain the line. We can attest to the purity of this line by the results seen from their offfsprings. Consistency in conformation and fighting styles. Can be fought both pure and in crosses. Very good line for infusing speed, close-body-multi-shuffling and gameness. Disadvantage in breeding them is that you cannot mass produce them ! Will shows high breed vigor if cross with other bloodline or outcross with same line. In our ten (10) years of breeding this strain we seldom encounters throw back. We only sell few stags, pullets or hens to augment our farm expenses when we have enough stock. However, we offer most for financing, please contact us. rev. 7.8.2008 |