Picture of our original brood cock- Juan Tamad Lemon84 Bood Cock Juan Tamad Strain * Smart, cunning and side stepper * Hard hitting fowl * Great body cutter * High breaker Armalite Strain * Smart, aggressive and very game * Speed and multishuffler * Great body cutter Picture of our original lemon84 hen Lemon84 Armalite Strain Brood Hen This was taken right in the brood pen of the source farm Product of our breeding- bred pure as acquired Lemon84 Cock Juan Tamad Strain Another pic of our breeding- lemon84 Lemon84 Cock Juan Tamad Strain 2x derby winner both with minor scathes only, a very intelligent gladiator, one of the - JW REDS family 3/4 Lemon84 1/4 rampuri asil Some words for our Lemon84 We line bred our Lemon84 Juan Tamad strain pure as acquired. While our Lemon84 Armalite strain was primarily used for infusing speed and smartness to our other bloodlines. During the latter part of season we try to back cross on lemon84 armalite strain to maintain the continuity of its line. Our Lemon84 Juan Tamad Strain both brood cock and hen came from Doc Teddy Tanchanco as well the hen for armalite strain. We have kept and bred this strain for seven (7) years and later discontinued to give way to rampuri asil graded lemon84. We only sell few pullets and hens to augment our farm expenses. See available stocks at our auction in Bentahan.Com We sell stags and cocks only when we have enough stock. However, we offer most for financing, please contact us. rev. 7.8.2008 |