Picture of our original brood cock for white claret White Claret Picture of our original brood cock for red claret Red Claret White Claret * Can shuffle in air and on ground * Speed and smart fighter * Great body cutter Red Claret * Speed and smart fighter * Great body cutter * Lots of finishing bottom Another product of our breeding- claret lines Red Claret-Doc Robinson Cross Product of our breeding- red claret hen from 7/8 inbreeding to brother-sister mating Red claret Hen Another pic of our breeding- red claret hen Red Claret Hen This is our first few strain of gamefowls. Our white Claret Brood Cock was a gift to me by my friend in Taytay Rizal. In every generation we select a daughter that conform to our likings and we back cross this daughter to our original brood cock. We have done this for six generations till we filtered out the impurities. A carefull selection processs will eliminate the so called inbreeding depression and inpurities. Unfortunately this line fell to the hands of thieves. Our brood cocks for Red Claret strain was imported as an egg from Carlos Toledo of Mt. Carmel Gamefowls in Riverside California, USA and were hatched locally. We line breed this strain untill we reach 7/8 of its blood following the process as mentioned above. From these siblings we mated them applying the brother-sister method. We have kept and bred this strain for more than 7 years now and are very good for infusing speed and gameness. Some family of JW REDS carries a dash of this blood. We only sell few pullets and hens to augment our farm expenses. See available stocks at our auction in Bentahan.Com We sell stags and cocks only when we have enough stock. However, we offer most for financing, please contact us. rev. 8.18.2006 rev. 7.10.2008 rev. 7.82.008 |